$934.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Beyond Birthing Course with 1:1 Support 3-Month Payment Plan

Get ready for an incredible experience of birth. Over ten weeks you will gain a clear understanding of the physical, emotional, and mental process of birth.

This transformative journey will prepare you to have a smooth, comfortable, safer labor. You will be the able to surrender to the wisdom of your body, make knowledgeable choices about your care and process, and most importantly enjoy your birth and postpartum experiences.

What is included:

  • 8 weeks beyond birthing course with an ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator and Transformational Coach 
  • 4 1:1 Coaching Sessions
  • supplemental course materials and video instruction
  • postpartum integration call 1:1
  • postpartum celebration call with the group 

We are so glad you are here, and can't wait to welcome you into the Beyond Birthing course!


May 14th - July 9th (no class June 11th) Tuesdays 1-3pm on Zoom

July 23rd - September 17th (no class August 20th) Tuesdays 1-3pm on Zoom